The Difference Between Useful Complaints And Those That Hurt Your Wellbeing

How to deploy the “complaint sandwich” to help you live better.

Sean Kernan
6 min readJul 8, 2024
Freepik Images via PressFoto

The trip started off poorly and got worse from there. My then-girlfriend slept terribly the night before our flight. The bickering began as soon as we got in the car.

She complained about the airplane being crowded and my inability to avoid every minor bump when driving offroad in another country. Then, the accommodations, the food, the weather, were all in adequate. I made mistakes too, especially in how I dealt with her complaining: I eventually lost my patience and blew up on her. It was a shame because the tropical scenery, blue waters, cool breezes, and good food, had all vanished in the backdrop of this bickering.

I came to recognize that my exes complaining was rooted more in her being unhappy in the relationship, and perhaps some immaturity, more than her being a perpetual complainer.

Many of our grievances are valid, and they naturally rush to find an outlet. You should know when complaining is good and when it becomes detrimental to your health and wellbeing. Here’s how.

How can we not feel that negativity inundated us?



Sean Kernan

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