How You Can Use the “Reciprocity of Liking” To Build Better Friendships

Charisma’s evolutionary underpinnings are easy to use once you understand them.

Sean Kernan
6 min readJun 29, 2024


Pic via Pexels Images

I was at a neighborhood party, that had nearly 100 people in attendance. This neighbor was fairly wealthy and liked to show off his massive house once a year.

Just as I was talking to a friend in the living room, I heard from behind, “Sean!”

I turned and saw my friend, Brian, who I went to college with 20 years prior, and whom I hadn’t expected to see. He was on the other side of the room, beaming a big smile and holding his hands wide and up like he was dancing to the YMCA song.

“Sean!” he said again and came weaving through the crowd, and gave me a huge hug.

Even though this was surely a welcome and pleasant surprise that justified such exuberance, this was typical Brian. He was always the life of a party, giving huge smiles and showing excitement to see everyone. If you could imagine a golden retriever as a person, this was him. Needless to say, he was well liked and people loved his company. It was hard not to as he made you feel like the highlight of his day.

Whether it was through intuition, or just his natural inclination, which I think it was, Brian had tapped…



Sean Kernan

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