Business | Education

7 Lessons From My MBA Program You Can Use In Everyday Life

Use logos, pathos, and ethos to help win an argument.

Sean Kernan
6 min readOct 9, 2023


Unsplash via Hunter’s Race

An MBA teaches you enough to be dangerous in any aspect of running a business. It improves your decision-making and tends to result in a higher income.

I spent two years and $60,000 at the University of Florida, chiseling away at my mine, all while working full-time in finance. I’ve always hated that you forget so much after leaving school. So I maintained a document where I listed the three coolest things I learned after each course. These were my favorite takeaways.

How to logroll a negotiation

Negotiations was one of the hardest classes I took because it pitted us (students) against each other and the outcomes affected our grades.

In one case, I represented Canadian zoos that wanted to borrow pandas from Chinese zoos. It caused a long standoff between me and the other person. We were working out the cost and duration of the panda visits as the Chinese government owns all pandas (this is an actual and recurring real life negotiation faced by zoos).

Statistically, the first person to make an offer in a negotiation tends to do better (they “anchor” their…



Sean Kernan

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